Color on Demand - Adelaide print specialist
Color on Demand uses FSC certified papers


At Color On Demand, the overwhelming majority of our paper stocks are FSC certified, meaning they are sourced and produced from sustainable forestry activities or contain a part recycled content. We also offer a 100% Recycled range of paper stocks.

We are often asked if we are Certified Green Printers, or have ISO 14001 Certification.

At Color On Demand, we recycle everything that is able to be recycled. Our paper waste from guillotining and trimming of finished jobs is all recycled, and given the shorter run nature of Digital Printing our full sheet wastage is extremely small.

Used printer consumables such as Ink/Toner containers are recycled through Planet Ark, under their Cartridges For Planet Ark initiative, a program which we have been a part of for over 10 years now.

We don’t have Green Printer Certification or ISO 140001 Certification, as paying annually for a label is something we don’t think is needed when we already recycle everything possible.

If you want to know anything further about how and what we recycle, please speak to one of our friendly staff.